We are all different. And that is good. It would be quite boring if we were identical. Our figure is subject to a few factors and genes are the basic one. Having systematized the knowledge about body builds, the following 3 major somatotypes have been identified: ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. It is rare to have only one type fully. We are a mixture of them generally.

Types of figures differ in terms of bone structure, distribution of fat and muscle tissue as well as a predisposition to put on weight. To each of them there should be different diet and type of training applied.

Three basic somatotypes:



Ectomorphs are slim, sometimes even thin. They have narrow hips and shoulders. They have problems in increasing muscle mass. They have fast metabolism.

The diet of ectomorphs should be rich in proteins and fats. Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, animal fats, low-processed carbohydrates. It can be excessive in calories.

Ectomorphs should exercise 3 times a week. Not much cardio, a lot of workouts with weights using various joints. Increasing the load gradually, but not the number of reps. The maximum load, long rests between sets. Exercises in 3-6 sets, 2-minute rest. 4-10 reps in the set. Slow pace.

Endomorphs have wide hips, narrow shoulders, a lot of fat tissue and they are prone to putting on weight. They also have slow metabolism and retain water in their bodies.

A lot of protein and fat, little carbohydrates.

Workouts 5-6 times a week. A lot of cardio: quick walk, bike, stationary bike, the pace should allow to carry on a conversation, so it should be of low intensity, but long, gradually increased time from 20 to 60 minutes. The most effective is aerobic training early in the morning after drinking water and protein or Bulletproof Coffee. After the workout you should eat a carbohydrate meal. In other workouts endomorphs should increase the number of reps (10-30) at the same load. If they want to improve strength, they should increase the pace of exercises.

Mesomorphs have narrow hips and wide shoulders. They also have correct metabolism and lack of problems with muscle-building.
Diet and training – according to preference.


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