Hi Ana! I am a journalist and student.
I study at night. I work six hours every day, two weeks in the morning and a week in the afternoon.
My doctor said I should exercise. What would you recommend? I wanted something more practical and I could do at home.
Komentarze 6 komentarzy
Dołącz do dyskusji…
jestes moja inspiracja
Aniu, gdzie można kupić kolczyki które masz na zdjęciu?
Hej Aniu. Gdzie można kupić takie kolorowe opaski do włosów?
Nike dziecięcy 🙂
Hi Ana! I am a journalist and student.
I study at night. I work six hours every day, two weeks in the morning and a week in the afternoon.
My doctor said I should exercise. What would you recommend? I wanted something more practical and I could do at home.
Aniu, dziękuję za motywacje i mądre rady. Pozdr.